• the weather is still cold at nights so continue to protect non hardy plants until the end of may.

  • french & runner beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, aubergine, sweet corn, squash etc must be grown with protection until the end of may.

  • sweet peas do tolerate cold so can be hardened off now, they like moisture so don’t let them dry out!

  • to make bedding plants strong take out their growing tips, this will make them bushy and prevent them going leggy.

  • Most hardy perennials will be coming through after their winter slumber, stake any that will grow tall such as peony and delphiniums.

  • Feed all perennials with a slow release organic fertiliser, sprinkle it around their base as they start to grow.

  • Weeds will be showing strong growth but many supply early nectar for the bees & other pollinators, especially dandelions!

Catherine Payne