At last warmer sunny days and pleasant nights. The cold nights of April and the cold, wet days of the May are behind us now and we can concentrate on summer plants, herbs and vegetables.
The only protected growing here at Green Farm are the tomatoes, aubergines, cucumbers, sweet & chilli peppers. They love the heat of the protected environment although all except the peppers do really well outside.
The vegetable garden is well planted now, the onions, potatoes, beans, brassicas, peas, sweetcorn, salad crops, radishes are doing well, although watering is a necessary chore. Sadly, there are huge areas of weed as there are not enough hours in the day to do all my jobs!
Summer bedding is in all it’s glory now, water and feed regularly to continue the flowering period, if allowed to dry out too much they can bolt or dry out too much and die.
Delphiniums, poppies, lupins, geums, salvias, foxgloves to name just a tiny few are in full flower now, once their flowers have faded cut those away to encourage fresh flowers, preventing them from seeding will produce more flowers. A high potash feed such as tomato feed will also encourage flower growth.